D365 Business Central : Set Default Sorting on Page

When designing a page, particularly for Historical Tables, setting a default sorting order is important. But how do we modify this default sorting? Let’s dive into it.

Setting Default Sorting on New Page

To change the default sorting on a new page, we can use the SourceTableView properties. Here’s an example with a new page:

page 60001 "Test Customer_TNG"
    ApplicationArea = All;
    Caption = 'Test Customer';
    PageType = List;
    SourceTable = "Customer";
    UsageCategory = Lists;
    SourceTableView = order(descending);


As you can see, the default sorting order for this page is set to descending.

Descending sorting

But what if we want to sort by the ‘Address’ field instead of the ‘No.’ field? We can achieve this by specifying the Sorting key.

page 60001 "Test Customer_TNG"
    ApplicationArea = All;
    Caption = 'Test Customer';
    PageType = List;
    SourceTable = "Customer";
    UsageCategory = Lists;
    SourceTableView = sorting(Address) order(descending);

    { ...
Descending sorting on Address

Now, the default sorting is based on the ‘Address’ field. However, remember that sorting fields should be part of the keys, otherwise, you’ll receive a warning.

Warning Address 2 should be part of the keys

Set Default Sorting on Page Extension

What if we need to modify the sorting on an existing page using a page extension? Attempting to use the SourceTableView property will result in an error.

Error SourceTableView on PageExtension

To solve this isse, we can use SetCurrentKey and Ascending on the OnOpenPage trigger.

pageextension 60001 "Customer List_TNG" extends "Customer List"
    trigger OnOpenPage()


Sorting on Page Extension

And there you have it. You’ve now learned how to set default sorting on both new and existing pages. Hope you learn something from it.



Experienced NZ-based NAV Developer and Consultant with 15+ years of experience leading multiple IT projects, performing business analyst, developing, implementing, and upgrading Dynamics NAV and Business Central. Passionate to deliver solution that focuses on user-friendly interface while keeping high standard of compliance with the needs.

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