D365 Business Central : Style Color
Highlighting your field can be a very helpful for your user. For example, overdue invoices are colored in red, so users can quickly recognize and pay more attention on those invoices. Business Central offers...
Anything about Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Consultancy
UI and UX Design
Highlighting your field can be a very helpful for your user. For example, overdue invoices are colored in red, so users can quickly recognize and pay more attention on those invoices. Business Central offers...
After upgrading to BC19, I noticed that some user permission sets are highlighted in red. Checking on the code reveals that Microsoft added new Style and StyleExpr on the field. The permission sets are...
There are multiple ways in BC to create a Lookup button for a variable in a page or report. Generally speaking, I have seen three following methods being done to achieve the lookup button....
If you are tired of typing the same filters over and over again, the Save View is a great way to help you avoid having to set the respective filters over and over again....
BC Friday Tips / D365 Business Central
BC Friday Tips #20 Sort your triggers in sequence
14 February 2025