D365 Business Central : Keep Description in General Journal Line
Here’s a trick when working with the General Journal Line in D365 Business Central. When dealing with General Journals and changing the Account Type, you might have noticed that the Description automatically resets to blank.

If you wish to preserve the Description, there’s a hidden field called “Keep Description”. This field, though hidden and non-editable, will allow you to preserve the Description.

This field is used on Report 1497 during the transfer from Bank Reconciliation to General Journal Line.

Now, let’s expose this hidden field and make use of it.
pageextension 60271 "General Journal KeepDesc_TNG" extends "General Journal"
field("Keep Description_TNG"; Rec."Keep Description")
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'Keep Description';
ToolTip = 'Prevent Description from being modified when updating the Account Type';
Editable = true;
Publish the app and let’s try it.

The “Keep Description” field ensures that the Description remains unaffected even when changing the Account Type.
That’s it. Hope you learn something new today.