D365 Business Central : Create View in AL
If you are tired of typing the same filters over and over again, the Save View is a great way to help you avoid having to set the respective filters over and over again....
Anything about Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Consultancy
If you are tired of typing the same filters over and over again, the Save View is a great way to help you avoid having to set the respective filters over and over again....
If you need to insert reservation, SN, or Lot No to your document, you will need to insert the record to Reservation Entry table. To do that, you can make use of Codeunit 99000830...
If you want to post Sales Shipment or Invoice from your extension, you can use Codeunit 80 Sales-Post. Before you send the Sales Header record to the codeunit, it is necessary for you to...
If you want to do some testing with BC 2020 Wave 1 Preview, you will need to have AL extension version 5.0. However, the AL version 5.0 is not available yet for public. If...
By standard, Business Central already includes reports that you can use out of the box. Sometimes, the standard report is not enough. You need more fields, more columns, different layouts, different calculations, etc. You...
To get your extension version, we can use NavApp and ModuleInfo.
With the shift to extension development since BC, developers now have an option to have one big extension or to have multiple smaller extensions that are dependent with others. Both options definitely have pros...
BC Friday Tips / D365 Business Central
BC Friday Tips #20 Sort your triggers in sequence
14 February 2025