D365 Business Central : Automatic Exchange Rate Service

In D365 Business Central, you can automatically import the daily exchange rates from any service that provides XML feed, such as www.floatrates.com.
Search for Currency Exchange Rate Service and add a new one. Below example is using AUD feed.

If you want the inverse rate, you can setup the line part as below image.

When you enable the Currency Exchange Rate Services, it will automatically create a job queue entry. Go to that job queue entry and you can setup the schedule to update daily.

Note that you can only import today’s rate with this setup. You can’t import past rates. That is why you need to enable job queue to run this daily.
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[…] https://thatnavguy.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/automatic-exchange-rate-service/ — Read on thatnavguy.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/automatic-exchange-rate-service/ […]