D365 Business Central : Undo Shipment or Receipt for non-item lines

One of the requests that I normally got in NAV or Business Central was the ability to do undo shipment or receipt on non-item lines, such as G/L or Resources.
When creating a Sales Order, some companies will also post G/L, Resource, or Charge line to calculate the freight cost. When they ship a Sales Order, the Freight line will also get posted and created on the Posted Sales Shipment.
If they need to undo the shipment, they can undo only the Item Lines. They will get an error message if they try to undo non-item lines.
Since 1 November 2019, you can now undo non-item lines on sales shipments and purchase receipts with the Undo Shipment or Undo Receipt button.
It sounds like a simple thing, but this will save a lot of work for users.
Hi there
Thanks for an informative post. But what do you then do in former versions of NAV with the Sales order with a shipped line with a non item line? It will be nice if it was possible just to delete the sales order but it seems like it is not? Any suggestions?