D365 Business Central : VAT Date is not within the range of allowed VAT dates

If you suddenly encounter the “VAT Date is not within the range of allowed VAT dates” error despite not using VAT Date Usage and having the Allow Posting From and To correctly configured, try to check the “Allow VAT Date From” and “Allow VAT Date To” under VAT Setup.

Navigate to the VAT Setup page and verify that the “Allow VAT Date From” and “Allow VAT Date To” options are not configured.

If you can’t see the fields under the VAT Setup page, you need to enable the VAT Date Usage. Navigate to General Ledger Setup page, and temporarily enable the VAT Date Usage.

Navigate back to VAT Setup page and remove the “Allow VAT Date From” and “Allow VAT Date To”.

Head back to the General Ledger Setup page and disable the VAT Date Usage on the General Ledger Setup. You should be able to post now. I would consider this a bug since BC shouldn’t check the Allow VAT Date if the VAT Date Usage is disabled.
thank you!!!
Unfortunately, I cannot see, add or even use configuration package as a user to get to these fields when licensed with the US localization. At least not as of yet (v. 23.2)
have you tried enabling the VAT Date Usage in the General Ledger Setup? you should be able to see the fields after enabling it.
Thank you – this has fixed my issue.
HI ,
I donot even see VAT Date Usage field in the General Ledger Setup?
How can I enable if I donot even see that field in the set up form?
How do i make that appear in the form?
The field name on the table is “VAT Reporting Date Usage”. You should see it on the General Ledger Setup.
What is your BC version?
Version: US Business Central 25.1 (Platform 25.0.27994.0 + Application 25.1.25873.25976)
“VAT Reporting Date Usage” is not appearing on General Ledger set up page!
all the invoices/payment in 2025 are not getting posted due to tax date erro.
Not sure why you cannot see it. If you want to change the value, you can use Configuration Package to import the value.