D365 Business Central : Sandbox Cleanup Event

When a sandbox is created as a copy of a production environment, BC will do the following things automatically:
- The job queue is stopped
- Any base application integration settings are cleared
- Outbound HTTP calls from extensions are blocked by default and must be approved for each extension.
This is done to prevent any unwanted email / result coming from your sandbox.
What happen if you want to do the same thing with your app ?
Microsoft offers Sandbox Cleanup codeunit that you can subscribe to. It has the following events:
- OnClearConfiguration: subscribe to this event to clean up data when copying a company to a sandbox environment.
- OnClearCompanyConfiguration: subscribe to this event to clean up company-specific data when copying to a sandbox environment.
- OnClearDatabaseConfiguration; subscribe to this event to clean up environment-specific data when copying to a sandbox environment.
Here is an example on how to change the company indicator text when copying to sandbox.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Sandbox Cleanup", 'OnClearCompanyConfiguration', '', false, false)]
local procedure OnClearCompanyConfiguration(CompanyName: Text)
CompanyInfo: Record "Company Information";
If CompanyInfo.Get() then begin
CompanyInfo.Validate("Custom System Indicator Text", 'TEST');
Another way is to use the Environment Triggers codeunit which has following two events:
- OnAfterCopyEnvironmentToSandbox
- OnAfterCopyEnvironmentToSandboxPerCompany
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Environment Triggers", 'OnAfterCopyEnvironmentToSandboxPerCompany', '', false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCopyEnvironmentToSandboxPerCompany()
CompanyInfo: Record "Company Information";
If CompanyInfo.Get() then begin
CompanyInfo.Validate("Custom System Indicator Text", 'TEST');
Be careful when using the events, because if there is an error, the sandbox creation will be canceled and you will not get any error message.
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