BC Friday Tips #8 Pay Attention to Content when Using TestField
Friday is here, and so is this week’s #BCFridayTips for the #msdyn365bc developers!
When it comes to using TestField, context is important.
TestField offers a simple way to validate fields, but its usage should be reserved for situations where the context is clear to the user.

✅ Avoid Confusing Error Messages. Generic messages from TestField are helpful for developers but can easily confuse users.
✅ Provide Clear Guidance: Writing your own error messages allows you to pinpoint the issue and guide users towards a solution.
Before using TestField, always consider if the user will understand the error message. If there’s any doubt, creating your own message is always better.

Even better, use actionable errors to make life easier for your users.

Always remember that minor changes can greatly improve user experience.