D365 Business Central : Service Posting

When you post the Service Order, BC will give you four options to choose: Ship, Invoice, Ship and Invoice, Ship and Consume.
You can actually divide those four options into two categories:
– Invoice : Ship, Invoice, Ship and Invoice
– Consume : Ship and Consume
Notice that there is an option to only post invoice, but there is no option to only post consume. That is because once you post the Shipment, you can only post Invoice. In order to do consumption, you can only do Ship and Consume.
Ship and Invoice create Posted Service Shipment and Posted Service Invoice. It will create one Item Ledger Entry as Sale, and two Service Ledger Entry as Sale and Usage.
Ship and Consume create only the Posted Service Shipment. It will create one Item Ledger Entry as Negative Adjustment, and two Service Ledger Entry as Consume and Usage.
Both option deduct your stock. You use Consume when the items, costs, or hours that have been used for servicing cannot be included in the invoice to the customer (basically free of charge).